
导读 大家好,我是小典,我来为大家解答以上问题。三年级英语新年贺卡内容,英语新年贺卡内容很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、格式...


1、格式:1. 称呼:指送卡人对受贺人的称呼,一般写在卡片的左上方,称呼前可加可不加“to”,如: (To) my dear friend (To) Mr and Mrs Black 2. 贺词:如下 3. 祝贺人的签名:写在贺卡的右下方,姓名前常加from(也可不加),如: (From) your friend Tom你的朋友汤姆 祝福语:多福多寿! Live long and proper! 祝财运亨通! May many fortunes find their way to you! 愿你健康长寿! I want to wish you longevity and health! 请多保重! Take good care of yourself in the year ahead. 在此新年之际,我同夫人向你及你的家人致以节日的问候,并祝你们新年快乐、事业有成、家庭幸福。

2、 On the occasion of the New Year, may my wife and I extend to you and yours our warmest greetings, wishing you a happy New Year, your career greater success and your family happiness.。

